Little Flower Yoga


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Research on Little Flower Yoga

We’re excited to share the research we’ve started directly on the Little Flower Yoga + Mindfulness program in schools. While we’ve collected data for many years, we recently worked with researcher Bethany Butzer to redesign our pre- and post-program surveys for teachers and students and improve our data collection methods.

We ran our first pilot study using the new designs with 20 students from a New York City high school during the 2017-2018 school year. The students completed a 12-session Little Flower Yoga program by participating in approximately 40-45 minutes of yoga and mindfulness per week over three months.

Our sample size was small, so the results below need to be interpreted cautiously. However, we’re optimistic that we will continue to see positive effects in future studies and look forward to sharing more information after this school year. Here is a summary of our results:

  • Students reported statistically significant improvements in their academic skills.
  • Students reported statistically significant improvements in their emotional awareness.
  • Students used yoga and mindfulness in other areas of their lives.
  • Students reported statistically significant improvements in their coping skills.
  • Students were delighted with the Little Flower Yoga program.

We help children embrace their full potential and live joyfully. We know that the world holds great wonders for them, and they have great gifts to share. And want children to thrive in school and out, be engaged in their lives, and be ready to learn.
